The funeral arrangements for Father Richard are as follows:
Father Richard's body will be received into the Church of the Sacred Heart, Chew Magna on Thursday 2nd August at 6pm followed immediately by a Mass of Thanksgiving for his life and work.
He will be taken after the Mass to St Joesph's Church, Harrow Weald, Middlesex HA 3 5EA. (This is the Salvatorian Community House and Parish.)
The funeral arrangments are as follows: Reception into the Church of St Joseph, Harrow Weald, Monday 6th August 7pm
Mass of Thanksgiving for his life and work Tuesday 7th August at 12.00 o'clock followed by burial at 1.30pm in the Salvatorian grave at Clamp Hill Cemetery, Harrow Weald.
Friends are welcome at both services.
May Richard rest in peace and rise in glory.
Helen and Mike